APTP's The People's Clinic

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a healing modality originating in China over 2,000 years ago. Its methods focus on treating the Qi (chee). Qi is described as the energy flowing through the body. It connects our different systems in the body, flowing through our blood vessels, our nervous system, every system within us.
It is also the energy that keeps us going in harmony and is what connects us with all life and the environment around us. Food and herbs have their own Qi energy too. While individually, each herb has its own energetics and health benefits, the combined effect of the right herbs used together is what provides the greatest potential for healing.
While acupuncture treats the Qi flowing throughout the body using external superficial needles, herbal medicine treats the Qi using deeper internal methods. Herbal medicine is traditional medicine in the sense that it has been used for centuries by many cultures throughout the world.