APTP's The People's Clinic

The People’s Clinic is an abolitionist healing space for impacted families and community members, frontline organizers and our local West Oakland neighborhood.

Who are impacted family or community members?

Someone who has lost a family member or community member to state violence, for example, police terror and inter-community violence.


Black, Indigenous, Latine, AAPI, Queer community members who have been impacted by intergenerational trauma, racial trauma, police terror or other experiences of state violence.

Who are frontline organizers?

Someone who is engaged in community organizing and participates in direct action toward abolishing State violence and police terror.

Tool Library and Healing Workshop

APTP Tool Library is a space for the community to restore, dream, plan, learn, and strategize. During APTP Tool Library hours, community members will have access to tools that are used for coping with physical pain and stress, while also having the option to learn and practice strategies that include both justice and health. Tool Library practitioner Danielle Keenan aka Dan is a health educa... Read More

APTP Tool Library is a space for the community to restore, dream, plan, learn, and strategize. During APTP Tool Library hours, community members will have access to tools that are used for coping with physical pain and stress, while also having the option to learn and practice strategies that include both justice and health.

Tool Library practitioner Danielle Keenan aka Dan is a health educator, passionate about teaching so that illness and pain aren’t the first time we consider health. She provides individuals, families, and communities with customized health tools so that people have practical and accessible coping tools when they need them the most.

Dan also offers Eastern-style bodywork called Tai-Na; she provides specialized care using knowledge from her 8 years of martial arts training in Taichi and Qigong and her education from her Master’s Program in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medical Health Sciences.

Community Acupuncture and NADA

Community style is great for tapping in to the connection of our internal energy to the collective healing experience. It provides a space of unity with others and our shared environment, while still focusing on our own individual process of healing. For NADA community acupuncture/ear seeds: NADA involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles or ear seeds... Read More

Community style is great for tapping in to the connection of our internal energy to the collective healing experience. It provides a space of unity with others and our shared environment, while still focusing on our own individual process of healing.

For NADA community acupuncture/ear seeds:

NADA involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles or ear seeds into specific sites on each ear.
The recipients sit quietly in a group setting for 30-45 minutes allowing the treatment to take effect.
NADA ear acupuncture/ear seeds is an adjunct therapy which is clinically effective, cost-efficient, drug-free and compatible cross-culturally.

Benefits of NADA:

Reduced cravings for alcohol and drugs, including nicotine

Minimized withdrawal symptoms

Increased calmness, better sleep, and less agitation

Relief from stress and emotional trauma

An easier connection with counseling

Individual Acupuncture session & Herbal consultation

Individual Acupuncture Session with Emily: Emily Rose is an acupuncturist, herbalist, and body worker focused on helping to support people dealing with symptoms of PTSD and chronic stress such as insomnia, anxiety, flashbacks, chronic pain, and emotional regulation. Her goal is to always meet people where they're at and to co-create a path towards whole body/whole community healing. She offers... Read More

Individual Acupuncture Session with Emily:
Emily Rose is an acupuncturist, herbalist, and body worker focused on helping to support people dealing with symptoms of PTSD and chronic stress such as insomnia, anxiety, flashbacks, chronic pain, and emotional regulation. Her goal is to always meet people where they're at and to co-create a path towards whole body/whole community healing. She offers private, full body treatments along with long term herbal support.

Herbal medicine consultation:
We offer sessions with an herbalist who will provide you with a Traditional Chinese medicine herbal consultation where we will offer you an herbal formula to take home in one of the following forms: tea powder, tinctures, or tea pills. We also have some raw herbs on hand as well.

Massage therapy

Amaru Ra is a doctor of energy medicine. He got started in the healing arts early when, as a teenager, he learned breathing techniques to heal myself of asthma. He played division he college football before serving 6 years in the army including 3 combat tours. Of course these and other experiences came with a lot of injury and trauma both in his body and in mind. After the army he became a regi... Read More

Amaru Ra is a doctor of energy medicine. He got started in the healing arts early when, as a teenager, he learned breathing techniques to heal myself of asthma. He played division he college football before serving 6 years in the army including 3 combat tours. Of course these and other experiences came with a lot of injury and trauma both in his body and in mind. After the army he became a registered nurse, but as he learned more about disease, health, and the human body and worked on his own healing, he began to realize the limitations modern western medicine has in creating real, sustainable health. He began to further my studies and deepen my practice to better support patients in their healing process. His work now includes Reiki, several forms of massage, chiropractic, breathwork, biohacking, naturopathy, somatic healing, and reflexology.
Amaru—The focus of my healing work centers around the nervous system and the subtle energy body and includes attention to the mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of one's being. Thank you for trusting me with your body and your energy and allowing me to be a part of your healing journey.

Imagine that for a moment you have time to just breathe. That your responsibilities and the ones you love are suspended in time for just long enough for you to sink deep into your body. Let’s create this moment together.

As an acupuncturist, Devon M Burton (they/he) guides people into states of releasing stress, of decreasing physical pain, and healing old memories. No matter your intentions for that day, they will work with you to achieve your goals in how you want to feel in your body. You can see Devon at The People’s Clinic on 1st and 3rd Fridays as the Community Acupuncture Resident.

Devon was born and raised in Brooklyn. When not working, you can catch him hanging out with loved ones or daydreaming in the sun about the next project they may or may not start.

Imagine that for a moment you have time to just breathe. That your responsibilities and the ones ... Read More

Danielle Keenan aka Dan is a health educator, passionate about teaching so that illness and pain aren’t the first time we consider health. She provides individuals, families, and communities with customized health tools so that people have practical and accessible coping tools when they need them the most.

Dan also offers Eastern-style bodywork called Tai-Na; she provides specialized care using knowledge from her 8 years of martial arts training in Taichi and Qigong and her education from her Master’s Program in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medical Health Sciences.

Danielle Keenan aka Dan is a health educator, passionate about teaching so that illness and pain ... Read More

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