APTP's The People's Clinic

The People’s Clinic is an abolitionist healing space for impacted families and community members, frontline organizers and our local West Oakland neighborhood.

Who are impacted family or community members?

Someone who has lost a family member or community member to state violence, for example, police terror and inter-community violence.


Black, Indigenous, Latine, AAPI, Queer community members who have been impacted by intergenerational trauma, racial trauma, police terror or other experiences of state violence.

Who are frontline organizers?

Someone who is engaged in community organizing and participates in direct action toward abolishing State violence and police terror.

APTP's The People's Clinic The People's Clinic is an abolitionist healing space for impacted families and community members, frontline organizers, and our local West Oakland neighborhood.

893 Willow St, Oakland

Telehealth Virtual Herbal Pharmacy consultations with a licensed acupuncturist

893 Willow St, Oakland